The phrase 'personal brand' can be quite 'marmite' to many business owners as it conjures up corporate away days contemplating "what we stand for and how that could be reflected in our new logo (that might or might not need to be green because... well, you know... 'eco'...)."
But let's rethink what the term means, what it means to be your best self and how, being closer to your core values and purpose, can make a massive difference to successfully embracing the Four Fears® of business ownership.
Let's ditch the word 'brand' (yuck!)
Instead - let's ask a better question (or six):
What is it you want to be remembered for?
And why is that truly important to you? (Have a long hard think about those two questions because the next four take us much deeper)
Whatever your answer was to Q.2 - why is THAT truly important to you?
Same for Q.3
Same for Q.4
Same for Q.5
You get the picture
Being deeply immersed in your 'why' - your entirely unique perspective on what you do (for yourself and for others) is the living, breathing manifestation of your personal brand. It is how you make people feel when you walk into a room. It is how you will be remembered when you leave the room.
Another way of putting it - what would you want written on your 'business gravestone'?
They were a decent enough design agency
They kept accurate accounts for us
They brought sunshine into our lives with their fabulous approach to design
They made the ordinary, extraordinary!
What does any of this have to do with the Four Fears®?
Simple - the closer you are to consistently living and breathing your heart-felt passion:
The more courageous you will feel
The bolder the steps you will take
The easier it will become to create momentum
The smaller any obstacles or hesitations will feel
I've been passionate about 'brand' ever since I rubbed down my first sheet of LetraSet in the late 80's. It is a massive part of the key to being brave and brilliant in your business (you've already heard me talk about other elements to this).
Be your best self
Know you you are, what you stand for and why
Get the t-shirts printed
Turn up
Be magnificently you (because everyone else is taken)