How brave are you feeling about your business right now?
😱 Fearful Fred – Not taking action, afraid to make the wrong decision
🙋♀️Self-Aware Sally – You want things to change and are putting up your hand and ask for help
🌻 Blossoming Barry – There's the odd wobble but that's okay. You're moving forward every day and building momentum and resilience
🎉 Fearless Freya – You're owning it 24/7!
Where are you on a scale of fearful to fearless?
The truth is, it's okay to be any of these four beautiful souls. Knowing where you are makes it easier to decide what you need to do next to get to where you want (and deserve) to be.
Oh, and spoiler alert - it's not about being Fearless Freya all the time. It's about having the clarity and bravery to 'bounce back to fearlessness' when the inevitable hesitations raise their heads (because they will, and that's okay too!)
So, where are you on a scale of fearful to fearless?
Want to test your bravery levels?
Find your 'starting point': https://mark-sttbhrko.scoreapp.com