What is it you really want from your business (and from life) and why is that so important to you? Hidden behind those two questions is the 'better story' that you are looking to write for yourself and those that you love.
What does 'a better story' look like for you?
We're talking your own version of success, happiness, contentment... victory (as I like to call it). What does this mean for you?
A consistent no. of zeroes in your monthly turnover
Regular holidays and excursions away from your desk
Moving into the bigger house that has a driveway for your shinier car
Or something else? Something smaller... that means everything to you?
Being available to do the school run every day
A guilt-free takeaway on Friday night, paid for by your business
Glowing reviews from customers who appreciate what you have done for them
Write a better story for your family
Whether you are self-employed or enjoying a career at a company that fits with your personal mission and values, every day you are taking action in order to move forwards. The biggest challenge we each have is that we don't always take time to recognise where' forwards' is leading us.
Are your actions moving you closer to being able to write a better story for your family? Those big (and little wins) that leave you with a smile on your face every evening and dial down any thoughts of Monday-itis on a Sunday afternoon... how many are you actually enjoying?
But even before you can answer that question, I refer you back to the opening line of this blog: What is it you really want from your business (and from life) and why is that so important to you?
Once you can answer these two questions truthfully and with complete clarity, then the bravery to move your actions in line to your 'better story' will follow.
Any thoughts on what your answers might be?
Need help with the questions? Let me know in the comments below or check out how I might be able to help you with the story you're looking to write.